Want to Be Happier? Let Go of Having It All

Jack of all trades, master of none.”

In what way are you pressuring yourself to have it all? In what ways are you letting other people’s voices drown out your own?

We are in an era of choosing a life that works well for us. There are endless endeavors we can embark. 

    There is also an enormous pressure from society for us to have it all, and do it all. The possibilities, the pressure, they can both exist at the same time.

    From a young age, many of us are conditioned to believe there is one path we must pursue. 

    Pressure from others to make certain life choices can be overwhelming, and it is easy to get swept away.

    The truth is, we will be criticized by others no matter what choices we make for ourselves. We are living in an era of polarization. 

    Do you really want to have it all? Do you really want to listen to those who have mapped out your life for you?

    Or would you rather hone in on the goals you wish to grow? Would you rather focus on the skills you wish to strengthen?

    Do you prefer to get that degree and work your dream job? Or do you prefer to focus on family? What about taking bits and pieces from each? They can both exist at the same time. 

We are not one thing only, we are multidimensional beings. We can be the mother, or the leader. We can be neither. We can work simple jobs, or be mothers that move mountains. We can choose not to have children for career, or choose not to have children to chase a simple life. Or, we can do none of these. We are multidimensional beings.

    It is amazing to appreciate the people who surround us. It is not okay to people please, and push to satisfy them. They can both exist at the same time.

    We can make moves for ourselves and live a life that works well for our will. We can do this while avoiding criticizing other people’s choices, even if they are different from ours. 

    In what ways can you drown out the drone of other people’s opinions on how you lead your life, lean into your visions, your purpose?

    In what ways can you live your dream life, while keeping your intentions pure, never harming others? 

    Can you listen to how your body feels? Does your heart feel exhausted, or expansive when envisioning an endeavor?

    Only you can answer that.