5 Ways to Become an Amazing Dancer on any Budget

Becoming a great dancer doesn’t have to break the bank. Maybe you’re someone who either wants to improve as a dancer or is interested in learning, but the financial commitment is too much right now. Taking classes at a studio or dance school is the usual route for dancers, but usually costs thousands of dollars per year. The good news is, there are creative ways to become a better dancer on any budget. I’m going to share with you five hacks I’ve come up with over the years.

The following hacks are tried and true; from not having much income during college to being a new graduate pinching pennies, these are all ways I’ve been able to keep up with my dance technique without committing to traditional classes, all while getting myself in shape. 

With things feeling chaotic post-pandemic, I want to share this for anyone who might need the extra help. If this is you, I want to encourage you to not give up on dance as either a hobby or path. You don’t have to drop thousands of dollars each year for regular lessons. Furthermore, one of the pillars of this blog is simple living which ties into financial responsibility to invest into our futures. So, without further ado, here are five ways you can become a better dancer on any budget.


  1. Join a gym that offers classes.

There are so many gyms today that offer dance-related classes. Zumba, barre, and dance cardio mashups are a few examples. The good news is you don’t have to join the most expensive gym in your area to find dance-related classes. After doing some research, I have found a few gyms in my area for $12-30 per month where unlimited classes are included. This price per month is less than the price of just one dance class on average.

Of course, those are bottom prices, but I went even further and tried a few classes at these gyms. Let me tell you, I had a great time. Sure, these gyms didn’t have a pool, sauna, and *~gluten-free vegan lemongrass buckwheat coconut magic shots~* you can purchase for the price of all the calories you worked off. But the classes themselves did not fall short. Over the years, I have prioritized going to Zumba and Barre each week the same way I would prioritize a regular ballet class. I have seen improvements!

Beyond these classes, it’s great to work out beyond your dance training. Weightlifting is the best workout dancers can do. You’ll get the most bang for your buck if you take advantage of these classes and also weight lift a few times a week. You’ll become a stronger, more well-rounded dancer.

  1. Teach at a local studio and drop in on classes.

This next hack is more for seasoned dancers than beginners. If you’re at a level you can teach at, it’s a great idea to do so. Most studios or dance schools will allow you to drop in on classes for free if you’re an instructor there. 

This is such a win-win situation that there’s no way you can lose. First of all, you will have invaluable teaching experience to add to your resume. Second, you will strengthen your own technique by taking classes that are more technique oriented. Third, you will be getting paid to do this. The studio will benefit because they will have an amazing instructor who is so committed to building the culture, that they also take classes there, which is a morale boost to students.

I always say that even dancers who are more performance-oriented should try teaching. This gives you another perspective that will make you a better dancer. Plus, you will be able to pass on what you’ve learned over the years and add your own flavor. Each of us has a unique style of dance that students want to see.

  1. Dive into instructional dance videos on YouTube.

Post-pandemic, I’ve noticed a surge of free workouts and even dance-related videos on YouTube. It’s actually quite oversaturated at this point which is a bad thing for YouTubers, but a good thing for you and me. It means that there’s a lot of competition for online instructors and tons of free content. Before the pandemic, these types of videos were far and few between and often required a subscription. Now however, these videos are completely free. 

This is a great option for anyone who doesn’t want to join a gym or can’t teach for one reason or another. It’s also a great option for anyone who does the above, but wants to add more training in. I personally do dance-related workouts a few times a week on top of my regular teaching and training and see many benefits from it.

Just go onto YouTube and type exactly the kind of class you want to take whether it be ballet, Pilates, or hip hop. You’ll be surprised at what options there are.

  1. Reach out to your local community center.

Local community centers have a lot to offer, but are oftentimes overlooked. They typically don’t do a lot of advertising for events and classes offered. This is why it’s important to do your own research to see what your local community center offers. It’s extremely easy to find out, and administrators or instructors are oftentimes very eager to get more people to join their classes.

Some examples of what I’ve found from community centers are line dancing classes, dance workout themed classes, and salsa dancing. These classes usually require a fee at the door, but it’s much smaller than a dance school and is often donation based. So, make sure to donate generously, but it will still be a fraction of the cost you’d pay at a dance school.

  1. Get a group of friends together.

What better way to learn dance than with your friends? It’s amazing what can happen when a group of talented individuals can put their heads together. If you can reach out to your fellow dancers to organize weekly get-togethers where you can choreograph and create, you’re bound to learn new things. Plus, this is an awesome way to get socializing and maybe even meet new people.

Pick a location and meet there at the same place and same time every week. Some ideas for location include each other’s houses or backyards, public parks, a studio one of you teaches at, a church room, or a community center. Once you decide on a place and time, you’re all set, and the rest will be easy. You never know what you’ll come up with if you go with this option. It will be fun and low-pressure, and maybe it will even become something greater.


If you’re a dancer, that means you’re creative and can think outside the box… and that’s a great thing for figuring out ways to become a better dancer without breaking the bank. If you’re adding value to the dance community around you, it will be so much easier to take classes that will suit your creative needs and budget. Don’t be afraid to reach out to different places and people because you never know who might also be looking to form a group, or who’s looking for participants at their event. 

Every little step you take to becoming a better dancer makes a positive impact, I promise. From taking a weekly Zumba class to doing Pilates in your living room, you can create space for yourself to become the best you can be.

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