10 Things I’m Grateful for this Thanksgiving

There’s something about the 2022 Holiday season that has me so excited. This year, I’m feeling extra ready for it… honestly, I don’t think I’ve been this festive since I was a kid! Luckily, my husband thinks my enthusiasm is entertaining… and I’m glad to entertain. I’ll take a curtsey.

What better way to ring in the holiday season than with gratitude? It’s a word that’s thrown around a lot today, but that’s for a good reason:

It’s impossible to feel grateful and negative at the same time.

I’m a personal testimony to gratitude. In my own life, my understanding of gratitude has really developed over the years and now I finally feel like I understand how important it is. I thought it would be so fun to write this post and just vibe with the gratitude this morning. So, in no particular order, here are 10 things I’m grateful for this Thanksgiving.


  1. I’m grateful for my 16 year old dog, Asher

Asher is my little buddy who I’ve had since I was 12. That’s over half my life! Honestly, when I look back on the time before I had him, I can’t remember him not being here. It feels like he has always been there with me! I’m so blessed to be able to take care of him every day. 

  1. I’m so thankful for my husband

I’m grateful to be married to this man in particular. I was pretty much crazy for him ever since the night I saw him on the stage in that dive bar. I was dancing and watching him perform… and he was watching me. Since then we’ve had so many great times together and somehow, I know the best is yet to come.

What if I told you none of it was accidental and the first night you saw me, nothing was gonna stop me? I laid the groundwork and then just like clockwork, the dominoes cascaded in a line. What if I told you I’m a mastermind?

Taylor Swift
  1. I’m thankful I’ve cultivated my dream life

During the pandemic while I was working full-time in the hospital and going to school full-time, all I dreamed of was to live a slowed down life. Living a home centered life with tons of creativity and room for exploration seemed ideal. Basically, the opposite of what I was cultivating at the time.

And here I am two years later. I love being a dancer, a homemaker, and a writer. Caring for Asher while also having time to spend working on creative projects, and time with my husband is what I’ve always wanted. 

  1. I’m thankful I’m a dancer

My dance journey hasn’t been linear but I’m happy with where it’s taken me. You can read more about this here.

I’m thankful I’ve discovered Chinese dance, and that I was so welcomed into the Chinese dance community. That has quickly become my favorite dance form, and I feel so blessed to be able to perform with the whole company.

I’ve also had opportunities to travel with the movement ensemble I’m part of and experience the choreographer’s great work. All that said, I also know this is only the beginning.

  1. I’m thankful for this blog

Writing brings me so much joy, and this blog is the perfect space to put all my creative work into one spot. This is a space for anything from paintings to poetry, to blog posts. I love writing every morning and seeing what I come up with.

  1. I’m grateful for my family and friends

My family is pretty tight-knit, and we help each other out. I’m happy to be close with my two sisters and to be able to stop over at my parent’s whenever I feel like it. Also, swapping recipes and baking with my grandma is amazing.

I’m also grateful for the friends I’ve known for a long time, and the new ones I’ve made this year as well.

  1. I’m grateful I get to travel

Travel is one of the main things I’ve focused on manifesting. I’m not someone who likes to stay in the same town their whole lives. It doesn’t have to be anything extravagant either, as I’m easy to please. Even if I’m exploring somewhere a few hours away and spending a few days there, I’m happy for the change of scenery.

However, the beach is where it’s at… I’m in love with the East Coast down South. My heart is with the ocean, the swamps, and the Everglades.

  1. I’m so happy and grateful for my hobbies

I’ve really focused on developing hobbies this year which has been such a great thing. Self care through hobbies has been the best way to make myself happy. Here is more info on the importance of self care!

Some examples of my many hobbies include writing, baking, travel, weightlifting, dance, hiking, and cooking. One thing I would love to learn is martial arts. This is for two reasons. First of all, Chinese dance has roots in martial arts. Second, I want to learn a different type of movement beyond dancing or working out.

  1. I’m thankful for my Faith

This has grown over the years, and I know it will only continue to grow. “Count your blessings, name them one by one” is a beautiful thing to remember.

  1.  I’m grateful for all the collaborations I’ve done

I absolutely love creative collaborations with likeminded people, and this is something I’ve realized this year. The reason is, other people can give you perspective you never would have seen before. You can also learn from others when you’re open to working with them. Lastly, it can help you to regain your momentum and motivation when you’re held accountable by others.


Sitting down and listing 10 things I’m grateful for this Thanksgiving has been a fun way to realize all the blessings that have taken place over this year. If you’ve made it this far, I’d like to challenge you: can you list 10 things you’re grateful for? If you’re feeling extra adventurous, can you elaborate on them a little and list a reason or two why you’re grateful for those things? I’m excited for you, and to see what you come up with.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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